Lot 8 TRIPLE B G131 (AI)

Age in Month: 25 months

Brahman Content: 43.75%

This is one big, long upstanding bull out of our ET donors, 1132/00. She’s produced 6 calves in 6 years including replacement heifers and sons to $10,000. 1132/00 is the dam of retained sire, Triple B  Doongara D106. G131 is in the top 5% for gestation length, 400, 600 day wt, export steer index and domestic steer index, top 10% for 200 day wt, eye muscle area and retail beef yield percentage, 15% for milk and 30% for scrotal size and intramuscular percentage.

Sex Male
Birth Date 20th August 2011
Status Active
Registration BBB11RG131
Horn Polled